A Transcultural and Intersectional Ego Stare Model of the Self Baskerville 2022

“A Transcultural and Inter- sectional Ego State Model of the Self: The Influence of Transcultural and Intersectional Identity on Self and Other” is now available for free access/ download. One of the important offerings in the July theme issue on “Sys- temic Oppression: What Part Do We Play?” Baskerville introduces readers to her new model of ego states. She examines the complexity of ancestral and contemporary identities and considers how they intersect internally and manifest in interpersonal dynamics. Baskerville engages readers by inviting them into witnessing a dialogue between colleagues as a way of modeling Hart’s (2018) “radical openness.” Subsequently, she maps the complexity of intersectional dynamics within an ego state model while tak- ing care to illustrate in detail the subconscious and unconscious processes that represent collective repressions and oppressions from the past and present.
This is an important opportunity to encourage your colleagues and friends to learn more about contemporary transactional analysis, so please let them know they can read/download the article at: https://www. tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03621537.2022.2076398

Victoria Baskerville Guest Editor on Social Justice themed issue of the Transactional Analyst Magazine


Samia Nelson and Victoria Baskerville Guest Editors on Social Justine themed issue of the Transactional Analyst


Christodoulidi,  Berdondini, Baskerville (2018)  Brexit and the Counsellor: identity shifts, social responsibility and the therapeutic relationship. The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy Volume 18, Number 2, 




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